Author 10 Most Expensive Ever Apple products for sale (Up to US $ 1.59M) Rating: 4.9 /5
10 Most Expensive Ever Apple products for sale (Up to US $ 1.59M) 4.9 2358 1379

10 Most Expensive Ever Apple products for sale (Up to US $ 1.59M)

As one of the world's largest manufacturers of gadgets. Apple is known for its products that are sold at above average. In fact only the richest people who can afford them.

Not only gadgets of today, some of the gadgets that Apple released a few years ago also managed to sell up to $ 1.59M.

For you who want to know what Apple products were sold at high prices. Here is the list:

World's Most Expensive Apple products

1. Incorporation Documents Apple $ 1.59M

2. Motherboard Apple 1 $ 374.500

3. Apple 1 Kit $ 213.600

4. Apple 1 $ 50,000

5. Apple 1 $42,766

6. Andy Warhol silkscreen Apple logo $26,000

7. Apple trade sign $18,000
8. Apple Lisa 1 $15,000

9. Apple 20th Anniversary Mac $7,300

10. Steve Wozniak's toolbox

That's some Apple products were sold at high prices. Are you interested in buying?



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