Author Do not Cut, It's a Small Cylinder Function in Laptop Cables! Rating: 4.9 /5
Do not Cut, It's a Small Cylinder Function in Laptop Cables! 4.9 2358 1379

Do not Cut, It's a Small Cylinder Function in Laptop Cables!

When the internet has become a normal thing commonly used everyday, not just smartphones, laptops are now required to connect to the internet. Jaka sure, you must have smartphones and laptops that connect to the internet, right?

Talking about laptop, how much do you know your laptop? Once you know the difference between laptop, netbook and notebook, do you know what is the function of the big cylinder in your laptop charger?

For What's Small Cylinders in Laptop Charger?

You who have a laptop must have found a large cylinder at the end of the charger cable, right? It is located near the end of the charger port. Although sometime like ngerepotin pas taken anywhere, apparently the cylinder in this laptop cable has an important function loh.

Cylindrical Functions on Laptop Charger Cables

For information, cylindrical objects in the laptop charger cable is called Ferrite Bead. Because of its existence, the charger cable so can not be bent, so eat the place. But it turns out thanks to the cylinder in this laptop charger you can calmly use the laptop for a refilled.

Investigate a calibaration, it turns out this cylinder has a function to isolate the laptop from high-frequency noise generated electro-magnetic waves. The noise is generated when an electric wave is pulled by a cable and an AC-DC converter. So essentially this cylinder serves to reduce the interference.

Uniquely, the Ferrite Bead cylinder serves to reduce the disturbance that comes from the device or to your laptop device. Not only reduce high-frequency frequency, the cylinder in your laptop cable also serves to prevent foreign frequencies from outside entering through your cable. So when you hack your laptop in public, your data will be protected from unknown frequencies coming in through the cable.

If disassembled, the Ferrite Bead cylinder will contain a mixture of ceramics, iron oxide, and some other metal materials. Well, all of these materials will produce small magnetic fields to resist the interference of electromagnetic waves. Unique, right?



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