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Why Smartphone Camera More Prominence of Body Smartphone?

In addition to the processor and RAM that determine the performance of the smartphone, the camera is also an important part that must be considered. Not just the megapixel number, when talking about the quality of smartphone cameras also have to see what kind of lens to the sensor.

Are you including smartphone users who frequently use the camera feature? If so, do you know the reason why smartphone cameras always seem to stand out from the body of the smartphone?

More Cameras reason Prominence of Body Smartphone

In some flagship smartphone, namely the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, iPhone 7, LG G6, until Asus Zenfone 3, section behind the camera always seemed to stand out from the body. I wonder why? Not without reason, the camera stand out from the body of the smartphone as:

1. For Keeping Lenses

In addition to the sensor and the type of lens, the resulting image quality is also determined by the cleanliness smartphone. Well, to maintain the security of your smartphone's camera lens, the producers make it stand out from the body.
With a camera that protrudes from the body, then we can easily clean the lens from dust nesting. Imagine if the lens is aligned with the body, so the lens is hidden inside, making it difficult to guarantee safety.

2. A sign of Quality Best Camera

Best camera was like what the heck? The camera has a fast focus in taking photographs, can nge-zoom without break, until he could take photos clearly even in low light conditions. Plus can record slow motion video.
Well, in order to create high-quality camera, smartphone manufacturers using a variety of technologies and newest sensor. More and more technology is embedded, the more prominent the smartphone's camera. His real example is the Nokia Lumia 1020 with 40MP resolution and Samsung Galaxy K Zoom is equipped with optical zoom features.

3. If Not Prominent, Results The picture Ugly

Do not believe? Just compare the images between the front and rear camera. Despite having the same high resolution, the images behind the camera must always sharper than the front camera.
In another example, a smartphone A and B equipped with 13MP resolution. A camera lens but more menojol of the body, while the camera B does not. So we can be sure the camera is not as good as the results B A camera lens camera more prominent.

Already know the reason why the smartphone camera stand out from the body? Therefore, do not just look megapixel camera only. It is important to consider the quality of the lens and camera technology smartphones.



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