Author 10 Countries With The Best Female Programmer In The World, Not Japan! Rating: 4.9 /5
10 Countries With The Best Female Programmer In The World, Not Japan! 4.9 2358 1379

10 Countries With The Best Female Programmer In The World, Not Japan!

Today, men and women already have many similarities in the professional world. Not only men who have an important role in the world of work, women now also have an important role, including in the issue of coding.

Yes, in this modern era there are already many beautiful women who become programmers. In fact, some of them have amazingly cool programming skills. Through this article, Jaka will tell you which countries have plenty of female programmers.
10 Countries With The Best Female Programmer In The World!
Reported by Business Insider, in 2014 there are 20% of female programmers who occupy an IT company called Silicon Valley. Surely, this proves that the woman has an important role in the world of IT.

In addition, based on HackerRank which is a free coding practice site, which allows programmers to hone their skills says that 20% of women can solve the challenges in programming. So, right?

Therefore, here he is 10 countries with the best female programmer in the world:

  1. Russian
  2. Italian
  3. Polish
  4. China
  5. French
  6. Romania
  7. Germany
  8. Singapore
  9. India
  10. United States
If you want to find a life partner with great women like them, you try to travel there.



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