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12 Important Tips to Buy a Qualified Laptop that Suits You

Laptops can not be completely replaced by mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. Can be spelled out, nowadays laptop has become a very important requirement for some circles. Call it a student or creative workers who have to complete their work where and anytime. Especially when the pursued deadlines.

Not just professionals who need a laptop with high performance. Of course we all want to buy a laptop that really can be counted on to support various tasks and jobs. When buying a new laptop, surely you hope at least the laptop can last for 3 years, or even more. Well, then you must be careful before buying!

12 Tips to Buy a Qualified Laptop

Lots of factors you should look for to get a quality laptop. Here Rikes have summarized 12 tips on buying a quality laptop and durable.

1. Laptop Design
Surely you do not want to miss an innovation is not it? Currently, many laptop models with a very thin design, especially the 2-in-1 model that can be removed-pairs of his keyboard. Apart from the design that makes people glance, which you should really notice is the endurance, especially the 360-degree hinge.

Strongly recommended, before you decide to buy, you must first try the demo unit. Grasp and feel for yourself, whether the laptop has a solid or brittle design. Whether it can survive if dropped, especially for you who are interested in buying an ultrabook or 2-in-1 device. You have to make sure that your target laptop really has good resistance.

2. Convenience Keyboard
No doubt, high specs and laptop designs become the main criteria when choosing a laptop. However, it should be remembered also that you will spend a long time with your laptop. So according to Jaka, something more important than just a laptop form is the convenience of its keyboard.

You should feel yourself, whether the laptop keyboard feels comfortable in the hand? Because almost all activities will rely on the keyboard, especially for you who are struggling to write articles. Things like the distance between keyboard keys, keyboard lights, and keyboard keys when pressed, should be completely comfortable to use for a long time.

3. Conventional vs Hybrid
Conventional laptop is very helpful for you in completing various jobs, although the size is a bit inconvenient to carry and weight is quite heavy. But now do not worry anymore. The development of 2-in-1 or hybrid laptop device allows you to have tablets and notebooks in a convenient size.

So, choose a conventional or hybrid laptop? Actually these points are contrary to points 1 and 2 regarding the convenience of using a laptop. But, of course, back to your needs. If you really need a portable laptop and only for light work, maybe you are suitable to use 2-in-1 laptop.

4. Support Additional Security Features
Laptops certainly save a lot of important data. So, securing a laptop with just a password is certainly not safe enough. Because password security can be easily broken down. For you who are very prioritize about the security, of course you should look for a laptop with more powerful security features such as Fingerprint sensor or Windows Hello.

Windows Hello is one of the latest advanced features in the Windows 10 operating system, namely the use of biometric authentication in the form of face identification, fingerprints and iris to replace the password. Windows Hello is certainly more secure because not only requires software, this laptop also requires special hardware support, such as RealSense 3D camera and infrared sensor so it will not be uprooted.

5. Know What You Need
Tips to buy a quality laptop next is to try to ask yourself, "Make what needs you buy a laptop?" Is it just for browsing, opening emails, and editing photos with Photoshop? Or, for graphic design, video editing, even gaming? Of course different needs, different also required specifications. For example, if you are a true gamers, you can glance at ASUS ROG gaming laptop or Acer Predator.

6. Proper Technical Specification
Once you know what your needs are, the next step is to choose the right specification. For example, super-fast processor for video encoding, or VGA for games only. Yes, you have to choose the right laptop specification. Make sure also you get a hard drive with a capacity large enough to accommodate all your data. While for you who really need speed, make sure the laptop has a solid state drive.

7. Portability
Well, for you who have high mobility and have to carry a laptop wherever you go, the size and weight of the laptop should be noted. This is of course so as not to bother when traveling. However, make sure the design is solid and not fragile, considering it must be taken everywhere. Meanwhile, for you who rarely bring laptops everywhere and more use the laptop at work or at home, can buy a laptop with a larger screen size, for example 17 inches.

8. Battery Life
About this one, to be honest is quite disappointing. Yes, most laptops currently available do not offer long battery life. Maximum of only up to 6-8 hours. Well, for you who have to work anytime and anywhere, battery life is definitely a top priority as well.

Well, this battery resistance is difficult to measure because it is determined by many factors, especially applications that run and the type of processor used. To get the best, you can read the review of your coveted laptop. Later, you also must be diligent to do battery maintenance properly to maintain the quality and durability of the battery stay durable.

9. Screen Quality
Unlike the quality of the smartphone screen is increasingly amazing. The quality of the screen on the laptop quite disappointing, especially for cheap laptops. Well, that must be considered about the quality of the screen include the type of screen used, screen resolution, and viewing angle of the screen. Very noticeable difference between the screen on the laptop is expensive when compared with the screen on a cheap laptop. Colors must be clear and the monitor must have various brightness settings to adjust the display.

10. Performance Improvement
Performance laptops usually will decline over time. What if your laptop needs suddenly increased? Well, most laptops will not work properly without any upgrades. Typically vendors provide the ability to allow you to replace RAM and possibly harddrive. So, find out how the upgrade ability of the laptop and whether there is a cancellation of the warranty by upgrading it.

11. Completeness of Connectivity
Completeness of connectivity is also not less important. Starting from USB, this port is very necessary because most of the other supporting devices such as mouse, flash, modem, memory card and so forth need a USB port to connect to the laptop. So, choose a laptop that has a USB port of at least 3 pieces. In addition, other supporting ports that must also exist that is the HDMI / VGA port, LAN port, and WiFi as well.

12. Warranty and After Sales Service
Warranty of course also is a thing to be considered when wanting to buy a laptop. Usually the length of time the warranty can be a reference, whether the product has good quality or not. For example, ASUS laptops, they dare to guarantee up to 2 years. However, what does it mean if the warranty is not accompanied by adequate quality service center service? You also have to find information, about the availability of service center especially in your city. This will make it easier for you, who knows in the future there are obstacles or damage.

That's 12 tips on buying a quality laptop. Again, everything comes back to your needs. Whether you want to try new innovations like those on 2-in-1 devices or prefer the comfort and durability that exist in conventional laptops. In essence, innovation and high specification, not necessarily serve you well. How, you got additional tips?



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