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8 Facts About Drone Utilization You May Not Know

Lately, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) aka unmanned drones or so-called drones, is increasingly popular in Indonesia. The technology on the drone is also growing very message.

The price of drone devices today is still fairly expensive. But its use is increasingly widespread, not only for military or civilian purposes, a number of companies have started to use the drone.

Quoted from Thefactsite, here are some facts about the use of drones that you may not know about.

7 Interesting Facts About Drones You May Not Know

1. To Reach Remote Areas
Many drones are used for the delivery of medical equipment and medicines to remote areas, call it Africa. Where ground transportation is still difficult and too time consuming.

2. Improving the World of Agriculture
Drones will revolutionize the agricultural world, so farmers can monitor all the land while drinking a cup of tea. With drones farmers can know the circumstances that occur quickly, such as damaged plants and plants that are ready for harvest.

3. Accelerate Delivery Service
To increase the speed of its delivery service, Amazon sends its customer orders using drones. Although still tested, Amazon ensures that delivery can be done within 30 minutes if using drone tool.

4. Take Pizza as Fast as Possible
To deliver pizza orders faster to keep customers warm. Domino also tested sending pizza orders with drones in New Zealand, although still limited to selected customers.

5. Drone for Military Interests
The United States and Israel were the first countries to test the use of drones for military purposes, lurking, and attacking targets focused on 1960-1970. Since then, all countries are competing to develop unmanned aircraft.

6. As a Photography Tool
One of the most common benefits used by many people is the ability of drones to take pictures or videos from the air.

7. Natural Disaster Monitoring
In the event of the Typoon haiyan disaster in the Philippines, drones are used to help volunteers know the disaster fields around the scene. Helps to find undiscovered victims.

8. Medical World Needs
This drone is able to save heart attack sufferers from death. The University of Toronto has invented a new way of utilizing drones in the medical world. They have the idea to send Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) to save people suffering from heart attacks.



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