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Defrag Make PC Overheat And Other Shocking Facts About Defragmenting Hard Disks

Hard Disk is a data storage device in the form of magnetic disk that we use to store various data that we need in computer device. Any data entered into a computer device will be permanently stored on the hard disk and when you want to access the data, the hard disk will start to work by searching and reading the data you need earlier.

When the data on a hard disk is too much, generally we will do the defragementation process on the hard disk to sort all the data that had been messy to be arranged more tidy and easy to read by the hard disk later. However, behind the benefits of this defragmentation process, there are some surprising facts that you do not know about. What are these facts? Check out my discussion this time about the shocking fact of hard disk defragmentation.

Defrag Make PC Overheat and Other Shocking Facts About Defragmenting Hard Disks

1. In Windows 7, 8, and 10 Hard Disk Defragmentation Automatically
The first shocking fact about hard disk defragmentation you should know is that the hard disk defragmentation process of Windows 7, 8, and 10 ** occurs automatically thanks to the default defragmentation scheduling feature when you are finished installing the operating system (weekly).

So, it can be said to do defragmentasi outside the schedule will only be a waste of time and can impact on the age of the hard disk. Because when a hard disk to read and write process excessively, can cause a kind of 'stress' on the physical components contained in the hard disk, especially on the rotary arm and magnetic disk.

2. Defragmentation Can Cause Computer Overheat
Usually if you have not done hard disk defragmentation for many years, while you very often use a computer device, it can cause hard disk defragmentation process that you run longer, even for hours, because of the many files that need to be compiled. Jaka himself had to defragment the hard disk for up to 6 hours, ranging from midnight to early morning.

What happened? When Jaka woke up, Jaka could clearly hear the cooling fan noise that sounded loud enough to degrade the heat from Jaka's computer device which over the night continued to read and write without resting causing overheat.

Not only that, if you do hard disk defragmentation without charging, there is the possibility of your computer device will experience overheat, then die suddenly. Of course if your computer often died suddenly, it could have an impact on your operating system.

3. No Need to Do Defragmentation On SSD (Solid State Drive)
SSD is one of the data storage media whose ability far exceeds the hard disk. Although the price is slightly expensive, the ability of SSD in doing read and write data will greatly affect your data access speed.

However, although this SSD basically has the same functionality as ordinary hard disks, you are strongly advised not to defragment the SSD. Why?

SSDs have different structures than ordinary hard disks because SSDs have absolutely no motion components such as rotating arms and magnetic disks. SSD works by using flash memory that makes it able to access data randomly (the data access process on the HDD is done in stages) so that SSD is able to perform data readings more quickly.

Well, the flash memory owned by the SSD has a read and write limit, so if you guys do defragmentation (which is the process of read and write data as much as thousands of times), it will actually shorten the life of the flash memory.

That was a surprising fact about the hard disk defragmentation process, hopefully useful and advice from Jaka, you should not too often do hard disk defragmentation. You can take advantage of the defragmentation scheduling feature once a week so that the defragmentation process does not run too long and for you SSD owners, never do defragmentation on your SSD.



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