Author Here Are 5 Characteristics of 'Social Climber', Are You Included? Rating: 4.9 /5
Here Are 5 Characteristics of 'Social Climber', Are You Included? 4.9 2358 1379

Here Are 5 Characteristics of 'Social Climber', Are You Included?

Dizaman all digital today, almost everyone has a social media. Social media such as Facebook, Path, Twitter, Instagram and others. But because of this rampant, it creates a dependency syndrome called Social Climber.

Have you heard the term Social Climber, Do you know the meaning and character? If you do not know and want to know, let's look at the explanations and features of this social climber!

What is a Social Climber?

As the name implies, Social Climber is a term for people who want their social status to look high even more than it should be through social media. Well for its own characteristics is ...

1. Often Post Brand in Social Media
Through social media, we can share much. Starting from science, family warmth, up to date information and more. For Social Climber, usually they only post the luxury of various famous brands. For example, early morning photos Starbuck, then afternoon shopping Prada shoes and so on.

2. Update Status often Look for Attention
Status updates performed by Social Climber, generally not qualified and just often invite attention. Examples such as, "Well, tomorrow wear a dress that is from France or Italy yes". Though no one who cares, except fellow Social Climber is indeed competing popularity.

3. Covering Your True Self
Generally, ordinary social media allows us to find information about a person. But not for Social Climber. They should only show their luxury, hide all the facts. Especially if it turns out these facts make them look simple.

4. Fan Displaying Sexy Images
To attract attention here and there, Social Climber generally do not hesitate to dress sexy. Even often take pictures wear only underwear. Then once you try to flirt with interest, you are scolded for being perverted. Oh yeah, it's for the Social Climber lady yes. If the man Jaka can not imagine, hehehe.

5. Do not Have Achievement Or Work
Luxury and luxury, has no achievements or works. This is the most recent feature of the Social Climber. Because according to them, luxury is the best or only way to raise social status. Whether like singing or contributing in the world of science, it is not at all attractive to them.

There is nothing wrong with luxury, but Jaka's advice should not be addicted to luxury. The simple or ordinary according to Jaka better. What do you think, is there another feature of Social Climber? Share your opinion!



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