Author High-Paid, 6 This Work Can Be Done Through Smartphones! Rating: 4.9 /5
High-Paid, 6 This Work Can Be Done Through Smartphones! 4.9 2358 1379

High-Paid, 6 This Work Can Be Done Through Smartphones!

Still thinking that the office should be in the office? If for a moment want to contemplate the advertisement of a cigarette brand some time ago, he said "Ngantor it does not have to be indoor". Do you agree?

As technology progresses, various job vacancies are available. The impact, the media work is increasingly diverse. Well, some professions even allow you to work only through smartphones.

The Internet is getting faster in the 4G LTE era. Smartphone is now its ability almost resembles a computer. So, still thinking to ngantor the indoor?

1. Become an Contributor in BaBe

So the best news read application in Indonesia, BaBe -Read News can also be a money-making application you know. How, you become a contributor BaBe by sending articles through nulis.babe.news!
By writing on Unique channels, Sex, Humor, Entertainment, Islam, Automotive and Health, you will be paid Rp50.000, - (USD $3.80)  for each of your published papers and get at least 100 clicks

2. Travel Blogger
So a travel blogger does not need an office. Your office is where you start filling your blog. Place for coffee, middle of the road, inside Transjakarta, or even inside the toilets you are visiting is the office. The task of blogger travel is to write the story of your journey from one place to another. You could say his office is a blogger travel on a smartphone or a computer.

3. Event Planner
If you have the skills to manage all things, it's worth thinking about this profession. An event planner is tasked to plan everything related to an event.

And thanks to the advanced technology, you can do everything remotely. There's nothing you can phone, chat, even up to a video call to review everything you've planned.

4. Social Media Manager
Liked for hours listening to Facebook homepage and Twitter timeline? Or would you prefer to post your best photos on Instagram? If so, you should look for a Social Media Manager job post. Your job here is to promote everything related to the content or services of a company through social media. Obviously this can be handled via smartphone, right?

5. Programmer
If the first programmer need a sophisticated computer to work, now no longer. Thanks to D'Codder's smartphone app, programmers can work via smartphones. No more deh sitting in front of the computer just to edit some lines of coding wrong.

6. Freelance Photographer
Being a freelance photographer means you are not under contract with any company. Your job is to take interesting photographs and then sell them on stock stock sites or follow the events that take place in a web media promotion like GetCraft. Only with a professional smartphone camera like Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, your office is now fully in hand.



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