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How to Overcome 500 Internal Server Error and Its Definition

If you try to access a site then a message appears '500 Internal Server Error', that means there is something wrong with the site. The problem is not caused by your browser, computer, or even your internet connection. This problem is caused by the site you are visiting.

Well, this time Jaka will love tips or how to overcome 500 Internal Server Error and do not forget the understanding. Of course, if you face this condition, you can quickly find a solution. Check out below ya!

How To Overcome 500 Internal Server Errors and Their Definitions!

Why does the Error Message Appear?
Such error messages may appear in various forms, depending on the sites visited, but essentially the same. The error message may appear in the form of '500 Internal Server Error', '500 Error', 'HTTP Error 500', '500, That's an Error', 'Temporary Error (500)', or just a '500' code.

Of the many messages that are displayed, though different but in essence still embed code '500' on any errors that arise. An error code that shows the number '500' is a message that appears when something unexpected happens on a server, and the server then can not provide a specific information. Therefore, the server does not provide a normal site page and then replaced with a web page containing an error message.

How to Fix it?

Because the problem that occurs is on the server, then we can not fix it by ourselves. But often the problem can be solved quickly. These error messages are usually only temporary, and are just a matter of time, the sites with problems will be accessible as usual.

Usually error messages that appear can also be caused by the number of users who access the site so that makes the server becomes down. So the solution is we may be able to wait a few minutes before trying to access the site.

So, if you experience this problem, try reloading the site page. Click 'reload' on the browser toolbar or by pressing the F5 key on the keyboard. The browser will re-contact the server and request the return of the previously requested page. That way the problem should be resolved soon.

If the above does not work, you may need to wait a while before re-accessing the site. The site may have a problem, and we have to wait until there is a fix made by the site owner. Another way we can try is to access a copy of the old web page.

How to Access Old Site Page Copies

If you happen to need the page to be accessed, for example, for a reference to a research quote or something else, then suddenly the site encountered an HTTP 500 error, or any other problem, this would certainly be a serious problem. But there is a way to look at the problematic page, that is by looking at the snippet of the site pages stored in the archive data using several ways that can be tried.

But this way will not work for newly published articles. Another case for old articles, this way can still work well, even though the article has been erased previously.

The first way, if the page is having trouble accessing it, try accessing it using the 'Text-only version' feature. This will only display text only without loading images or other media content.

Just enter the address below into the browser's URL box, then replace the 'example.com/page.htm' article with the problematic site page.


An example is like this.


The above will show snippets of pages that are still stored in the Google cache in writing only, with no media content entered.

The second way, not only used to access the problem page, can also be used to access the pages that have been deleted.
The second way uses the help of archive data sites called The Wayback Machine Page. The site can save the history of a web page from year to year. So, if a page of the site has been deleted, may still leave a page that can be accessed through this site.

The Site The Wayback Machine allows us to view pages of sites that have been long. So, this site will give us the same page form as in the past.

To take advantage of this site, go to the http://archive.org/web/ page. Then enter the address of the affected page, click 'Browse History'. After the information appears as above, click on the year and date in the calendar to view the page views of the site on the selected date.

Click the year and date listed to view the pages of the site year by year and see what the difference is.

We can click on other links at different dates and times to see what changes occur each year. So in conclusion, this site in addition can be used to access the pages of the site is problematic, can also be used to view back pages that previously been deleted sites.

That's the discussion from Jaka on how to solve 500 Internal Server Error and its understanding. It's easy, right? Thus, you do not need to be confused when faced with these conditions. Just follow this way.



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