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Like WiFi? Compulsory to Know the Difference 802.11 A, B, G, N and AC

One way to send data among the most popular devices today, namely through WiFi. The main reason is clear, because sending data over WiFi is very practical. Far different from using a cable that is classified as complicated.

One of the popular WiFi specifications, namely 802.11 A B G N and AC. Jaka sure you must have heard it, if you want to buy a device capable of WiFi. Know the difference? Let's see, this difference is 802.11 A B G N and AC!

It's the Difference 802.11 A, B, G, N and AC

Reported through SemiConductorStore. All WiFi technologies around the world, configured using the IEEE 802.11 standard. Although regulated by the same regulation, apparently the IEEE 802.11 standard is still broken down again. Here's the explanation.

1. 802.11a
It is one of two Wifi 802.11 standards that was first born. But unfortunately less popular with 802.11b. Many people assume that 802.11a is a development of 802.11b, whereas both are created simultaneously. The difference is 802.11b more used for home, while 802.11a is more to enterprise.

Pros: Having high speed and frequency that is used more resistant interference from other devices.
Disadvantages: The distance of the signal can not be too far and easily blocked solid objects such as walls.
Maximum Speed: 54Mbps

2. 802.11b
Connecting Jaka's 802.11a-related annotations. What makes 802.11b popular in the home, because at that time the device with 802.11b technology much cheaper than 802.11a. Plus the speed of 11Mbps at that time is still quite enough for the home, do not need up to 54Mbps.

Pros: The distance of the signal can be quite far away and can more easily penetrate solid objects such as walls.
Disadvantages: Very slow speed and very easy interference with other devices.
Maximum Speed: 11Mbps

3. 802.11g
It is a combination of 802.11a and 802.11b WiFi standards. As the name implies combined, it is clear 802.11g is the third WiFi standard created. At that time, practically no shortage. All the best sides of 802.11a and 802.11b are in this technology.

Pros: Has a high speed, resistant interference and more easily penetrate solid objects.
Disadvantages: There is no outline.
Maximum Speed: 54Mbps

5. 802.11n
Is a further development of 802.11g, even this standard is still very popular today. Interestingly again, it already supports signal technology or a dual antenna called MIMO. Allows to have a very high speed up to 450Mbps.

Pros: Faster and has better interference resistance than 802.11. Supports signal or dual antenna technology (MIMO).
Disadvantages: In outline no.
Maximum Speed: 450Mbps

6. 802.11ac
It is the fastest WiFi standard right now, but unfortunately the price of this technology is still quite expensive. The price is expensive, making people still rarely wear them. In addition, this technology is much more vulnerable to interference than 802.11n.

Pros: Faster than 802.11n.
Disadvantages: More susceptible to interference, especially at 2.4Ghz.
Maximum Speed: 1300Mbps

I personally still wear 802.11n. It used to be 802.11ac, but because of interference, the speed is the same as 802.11n. Indeed this 802.11ac need a clean frequency. How about you, still using 802.11n or already to 802.11ac?



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