Author New Three Months, Whatsapp Status Beat Snapchat! Rating: 4.9 /5
New Three Months, Whatsapp Status Beat Snapchat! 4.9 2358 1379

New Three Months, Whatsapp Status Beat Snapchat!

Currently the social media users are more active with the existence of feature stories or status that can upload videos or photos. On Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, or Snapchat, all have more or less the same features.

However, the first Snapchat issued the feature, now rivaled by Whatsapp Status! Whatsapp user status every day has exceeded the number of Snapchat users!

New Three Months, Whatsapp Status Beat Snapchat!

Just three months appeared, who would have thought Whatsapp Status users are already more than 175 million every day? This number even surpasses Snapchat users who are only about 161 million every day.

This is a big number considering global users amount to more than 1 billion! This is conveyed by Facebook that explains that Whatsapp feature that mimics Snapchat is more popular today in various parts of the world.

But Snapchat need not worry too much. According to App Annie's research distributed to Bloomberg, more than half of Snapchat users do not access Facebook every day. Not only that, they also do not visit Instagram you know!

It seems like each has a different charm and have the power of each. You who want to continue to exist in social media certainly never miss to upload your activities right?



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