Author Other Functions of the Galaxy S8 Heartbeat Sensor Not Yet Known Rating: 4.9 /5
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Other Functions of the Galaxy S8 Heartbeat Sensor Not Yet Known

Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 + is Samsung's flagship smartphone 2017 which is equipped with a myriad of features. This smartphone brings the screen "Infinity" with a new aspect ratio combined with a design that barely bezel, thus making it look futuristic.

Well the technology company from South Korea is also equipped with a heartbeat sensor embedded in the bottom of the camera. Its function is to measure heart rate, stress level, and oxygen saturation in blood.

Other Functions of the Galaxy S8 Heartbeat Sensor Not Yet Known

This heartbeat count feature itself is not 100 percent accurate. Because the use of this feature is not for medical purposes, just as a supporter of fitness activities only.

Naturally if many users who think the feature is just a gimmick. However, there is still more function of the heartbeat sensor that has not been much realized, namely to take selfie photos.

Yes, taking selfie photos with a sizable device like Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 + is certainly quite difficult on certain poses and angles. As camera buttons on the screen are hard to reach, you might be able to use the volume buttons, but the results often cause blurry photos.

Well here's where the heartbeat sensor comes into play, you can use instead of the special shutter button selfie. The way it works is simple, if the front camera has detected the face, tapping the heartbeat sensor will take a photo.

Indeed, there is a very obvious problem with using the sensor in this way, ie the stain of a sticking finger. But, if you are diligent in cleaning the smartphone it does not seem to matter.

Of course, this hidden feature is very useful for you selfie photo lovers and can be a great alternative.

To enable or disable selfie with heartbeat sensor on Galaxy S8. How:
  • Open the camera, and open the settings menu in the top right corner.
  • In the settings menu, look for an option called "Ways to take pictures".

  • Next, you can enable and disable the selfie with the heartbeat sensor on the "tap heart rate sensor" option.
Good luck.



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