Author Pirated Games Not Safe? These 5 Reasons to Never Play Pirated Games Again Rating: 4.9 /5
Pirated Games Not Safe? These 5 Reasons to Never Play Pirated Games Again 4.9 2358 1379

Pirated Games Not Safe? These 5 Reasons to Never Play Pirated Games Again

Video games are one of the most popular entertainment by many, ranging from children to adults. The existence of this video game brings a huge change, especially in the field of entertainment industry.

The number of requests this video game in addition to bring their own benefits for the makers, on the one hand also raises its own problem, namely the problem of video game piracy is rife happening from year to year. In addition to harming the developers, pirated video games can also cause its own problems for the players. What are the problems that can arise from playing pirated video games? Here are 5 reasons why you should stop playing pirated games.

Pirated Games Not Safe? These 5 Reasons to Never Play Pirated Games Again

1. Risk of Viruses and Malware
Can not be denied, the presence of pirated games on various platforms can satisfy the desires of the gamers with a pocket thin. However, on the other hand, the presence of pirated games is also just going to be a gap for the spreader of malware and viruses that could have inserted malware and virus into the game. Unlike the original game that is guaranteed to be free of malware and virus by the developer. Well, if it is like this, the threat of data theft and hacking could just happen to you who often play pirated games.

2. Troubled Games Sometimes Troubled
Another problem that can befall pirated games is the problem of working. Sometimes when you play pirated games, you will occasionally encounter a problem with working that may be caused by a change in game software as a result of piracy. In addition, when you play pirated games also often occur lag.

Some pirated games also can not provide certain features owned by the original version such as the update feature because the game you play is not officially registered or does not have some kind of serial key commonly used by the developer to identify the original game.

3. Download Links Often Dead
It is common knowledge that there are so many raids on the internet to destroy various pirated applications, including video games. The most painful is when you are downloading pirated games and suddenly the pirated game download link is suddenly dead or does not work anymore because the file on the link has been deleted.

4. Waiting for Pirated Games Takes Old Time
Another problem that is quite annoying when you want to download pirated games is a relatively long waiting time. If you buy the original game, you can automatically get it immediately after it's released. Well, what about pirated games? You must have a long wait to get it, depending on how fast the hijacker finishes his hijacking. That even if not caught by law enforcers.

5. Legality and Legal Issues
If the previous four reasons are not enough to get you to stop playing pirated games, you can consider the legal issues that will befall you. Playing pirated games is an illegal act and of course playing pirated games is the same as stealing the work of others so it is possible that the developers will sue you for copyright infringement even though you are not doing piracy.

That's 5 reasons why you should stop playing pirated games. What do you think? Are you still going to play pirated games? Do not forget to leave an opinion in the comment field below.



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