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Powerful Ways to Remove Virus From PC Without Install Antivirus

Computer virus is a software that is able to copy itself with the aim of inserting yourself into the program or file on the computer. Surely we already know together that this virus can cause various problems, such as system damage and so forth, and just as dangerous with Malware.

Currently, there are already so many antivirus applications that can be used to fight various computer viruses. However, sometimes users are reluctant to install an antivirus application on their computer or smartphone device for the reason that antivirus weighs heavily on RAM, especially on computers with small capacity RAM. Fortunately, thanks to technological advances, now can be done scanning the virus without the need to install antivirus applications on the computer. How to? You just need to take advantage of online virus scanning services. Here's Jaka explain more.

Powerful Ways to Remove Virus From PC Without Install Antivirus

1. MetaDefender Scanner Online
The first online virus scanning service you can try to scan the virus without having to install an antivirus application is to use MetaDefender service.
  • All you need to do first is access the MetaDefender site.
  • Next, you need to select the file you want to scan first and wait until the file upload is complete, then select the scan option.
  • Wait until the scanning process is complete and you can see the results of his scanning on the Multi Scanning tab.
  • The Multi Scanning tab will show you a list of antivirus used to scan the files you upload and the scanning of the files.
  • You can also see if your files are exposed to viruses or not on the top of the screen.
  • If your file is infected with a virus, the green scanning icon will turn red and you can choose Sanitize (in addition to the Rescan option) to wipe out data sanitation to prevent harmful content from causing damage to the file.
2. Kaspersky VirusDesk
In addition to MetaDefender, you can also use Kaspersky VirusDesk service. How to use this online scanner is also not much different from Meta Defender.
  • All you have to do first is select and upload the files you will scan, then select the Scan option.
  • Wait until the scanning process is complete.
  • Later, the scanning results will appear at the bottom, complete with file name information and file encryption types you use.
  • If the scan is not satisfactory, you can select I Disagree With Scan Result to send a message to the developer to review the scan.
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3. VirScan
Another alternative scanner online that you can use to scan files without requiring the installation of an antivirus application is VirScan.
Just like the two previous online scanning services, you only need to access the VirScan site first, then upload the file and do not forget to select the Scan option.
  • Wait until the scan is complete and you can see the scanned file information at the bottom, complete with antivirus list used to scan the file you uploaded.
In addition to the above three ways, you can also remove the virus by using the following command:
Attrib -r -s -h / s / d *. *
The above command will bring up all the files on the drive of your choice (eg E :). Then next you need to look for autorun.inf file or file with extension .ink and .exe file whose name is unusual or not you recognize. This is a virus file and you just need to type a short command to delete it.
Del autorun.inf
That was how to remove the virus without the need to use antivirus. Hopefully useful and good luck! If you are reluctant to install antivirus on your computer or smartphone, use the three online virus scanners above plus the deletion via CMD will certainly allow you to check the security of various data on your computer.



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