Author Require Install! These 5 Best Applications To Fight Ransomware In Your Computer Rating: 4.9 /5
Require Install! These 5 Best Applications To Fight Ransomware In Your Computer 4.9 2358 1379

Require Install! These 5 Best Applications To Fight Ransomware In Your Computer

Lately the world is overwhelmed by the presence of a malignant ransomware named WannaCry that infect computer users around the world. Well, what is ransomware really?

Ransonware is a form of malware that enters the computer and then locks the file inside the computer by using encryption that can only be opened when the victim meets the ransomware spreader request then the spreader will provide the decryption code. The impact of ransomware is very dangerous because it deals with data security issues.

Require Install! These 5 Best Applications To Fight Ransomware in Your Computer

To fight this ransomware of course you need help from a number of anti-ransomware applications that can protect your computer or laptop from various types of ransomware. Related to this, here is A-Tech will discuss some of the best anti-ransomware applications that you can make the choice to protect your computer or laptop.

1. BitDefender Antivirus 2017
BitDefender is an antivirus that has had a big name for years. In addition to the antivirus is quite mild, considering its many features, the features in the antivirus BitDefender is also very capable to ward off ransonware attacks.

This antivirus protects data from threats ransomware proactively by preventing all access other than the administrator to the various data that exist on your computer, be it text data such as documents, media data such as video, photos, and music and various other data so that data- Your data can not be encrypted by ransomware.

Some sources also say that computers that use BitDefender Antivirus 2017 is also no one hit by WannaCry attack. If you encounter several types of ransomware such as TB-Locker, Locky, Petya, and TeslaCrypt, you can use BitDefender Anti Ransomware Tool to tackle the ransomware family.

2. Trend Micro Antivirus+ Security 2017
In addition to BitDefender, Trend Micro Antivirus + Security 2017 can also be an alternative you to get qualified protection from the threat of various types of ransomware. In addition to protecting your email from scams, blocking malicious websites, and protecting your computer from viruses, this one also has the ability to protect your computer from ransomware. Trend Micro Antivirus can also prevent the modification of folders and encryption processes commonly done by ransomware to extort the victim.

3. Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware Beta
Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware Beta is a product of Malwarebytes' antivirus family released in 2016. Applications devoted to addressing the dangerous ransomware that often roam through the virtual world is working by monitoring activities on your computer to detect whether there is movement of ransomare in the computer.

Then when the ransomware is already detected, the application will immediately block and quarantine the malware before messing up the files on your computer. Some of the dangerous ransomware that has ever been kicked off by this app include CryptoWall4, CryptoLocker, Tesla, and CTB-Locker.

4. Cybereason RansomFree
RansomFree is a ransomware killer app built by a group of former military digital security experts. This one application works by analyzing the behavior and characteristics of each program to determine whether the program is a ransomware.

If the correct program is ransomware, this application will immediately stop and quarantine the program (before doing the encryption) by asking permission to the user first.

5. HitmanPro.Alert
HitmanPro.Alert is a product that offers protection from malware and ransomware at the same time. This application can detect a variety of malware that can not even be detected by other similar antivirus and provide protection on your computer from various ransomware like Crypto.

How to analyze the behavior of ransomware itself and then stop it and of course also able to restore a number of files that have been exposed to ransomware earlier.

That's the best 5 applications to fight against ransomware on your computer. Indeed, this application can be used to recover your computer who attacked ransomware, but the most important thing is actually prevention. Tighten your computer's security to avoid any kind of harmful malware.



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