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Setting The Correct DNS For The Internet Faster

The Internet has become a major requirement. When the internet is slow or disconnected, then the productivity will be disrupted. Especially if your work is totally dependent on the internet.

In order for work experience or play games on the internet more convenient, it is very important to have a fast internet network. Therefore, the Rat Way will give you how to hack DNS to speed up your internet connection.

The Role of DNS In Internet Connection

Slow Internet is not always the wrong provider of your internet network provider. It could be because you misconfigured DNS on the network you are using. How come? Because DNS plays a role to change the IP address so domain address, and vice versa.

How to Hack DNS to Speed up Internet

To speed up the internet with DNS hack, you can do the following steps:
Open the Settings menu - Control Panel - Network and Internet on your computer or laptop.
Next select Network and Sharing Center, then click on Change Adapter Settings option.
Right-click on the name of the network you are using, and select Properties.
Select the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4) menu, and then click Properties. Fill in the numbers with Preferred DNS server and Alternate DNS server
When finished, move to Internet Protocol Version 6 menu (TCP / IPv6) and fill Preferred DNS server: 2620:0:ccc::2 and Alternate DNS server: 2620:0:ccd::2.
After all the settings are completed, then the internet connection on your computer or laptop is guaranteed to be faster. Good luck!



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