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These 5 Reasons Behind the PC Slow and How to Overcome them

Currently, computers have become one of the main needs, especially for those who are working in areas that are always in touch with computers such as office workers, bank workers, and civil servants, programmers, students and many more jobs that do require a computer device.

However, sometimes when faced with a computer (or laptop), we often experience problems related to computer performance that is sometimes very slow, hampering the work and make emotions. Maybe some of us will assume that the problem occurs because of the age of the computer is old or because the computer is rarely cleaned.
Maybe the two reasons above have a point, but actually there are several other factors that can cause your computer to be very slow. What are the factors in question and how to overcome them? Consider a discussion of factors that can make the computer slow and how to overcome them.

1. The Hard Disk is Fragmented
The first factor that causes a computer to be very slow is because your hard disk factor is fragmented so that the process of reading the data on your hard disk partition becomes slow.

In the process of reading and searching the data, the computer system will look for data stored on the hard disk using the index system so that if you never do hard disk defragmentation, then the data stored on your hard disk will be scattered so that when accessed, will require more process long.

To fix this, you must perform Hard Disk defragmentation at least once a week or two. Just type Disk Defragmenter on the Start Menu and make your Hard Disk defragmentation scheduling.

2. The Too Much Browser Factor
Another factor that can also cause your slow computer is the browser factor. When you open the browser, of course you tend to open a lot of tabs on the browser to access multiple sites at once. Well, it will make it easier for you to get a lot of information at once but it will also provide a greater burden on your computer RAM.

Just imagine if you open 10 tabs simultaneously, of course the load on your computer RAM will also be very much, not to mention if you use a heavyweight browser like Google Chrome that can eat up to 500 MB of RAM when you only open only 4-5 tabs or If you run two different browsers at once.

To solve this problem, try not to open too many tabs while using the browser and I strongly recommend do not use Google Chrome browser if your RAM is only around 1-2 GB.

3. Too Many Temporary Files
Actually temporary files can be very useful to accelerate your access to data sites you've visited, but like a double-edged blade, temporary files can also cause your computer to be slow.

For example, if your hard disk is almost full, the existence of temporary files will take up hard disk space that should be left to be used as a page file to help your RAM run various programs.

To solve such problems, you can use some applications to clean up temporary files on your computer such as CCleaner.

4. Too Many Start-Up Applications
When you feel that your computer start-up is very slow and sometimes takes up to 2-3 minutes plus the long loading time problem when opening the application shortly after start-up on your computer, you can be sure the main cause of the problem is the number of applications Which runs during start-up process.

With so many applications running at start-up, your RAM will work extra hard to allocate all the space it has on apps running at start-up so of course it will make RAM very burdened.

To solve this you need to turn off some start-up programs that run by default on your computer by typing msconfig on start menu then select start-up tab and turn off some start-up programs that take up a lot of RAM like Tune-Up Utilities if any.

5. Malware Infections
If after checking the 4 factors above and you have done the settlement action as I explained above but your computer is still slow, it can be concluded that your computer has been infected with malware running in the background of your computer system so that interfere with the performance of your computer.

To solve this malware problem yourself, you can use some anti-virus with good reputation like Kaspersky, Avast, Nod32 and many more.

That was the 5 factors causing your computer to be slow and how to overcome it, hopefully useful and good luck. Make sure you always keep your computer healthy by doing defragmentation and scanning using anti-virus regularly and make sure you regularly clean up temporary files on your computer to avoid slow computer problems.

Finally, see you later and make sure you leave comments and share to your friends.



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