Author Thousands of Facebook Accounts Hoax Spreaders Will Be Deleted, Are You The One One? Rating: 4.9 /5
Thousands of Facebook Accounts Hoax Spreaders Will Be Deleted, Are You The One One? 4.9 2358 1379

Thousands of Facebook Accounts Hoax Spreaders Will Be Deleted, Are You The One One?

Facebook seems to really want to eradicate all the fake news spread across the Facebook timeline. They recently announced it will remove thousands of Facebook accounts proven to spread false news.

As one of the largest social media in the world. Facebook has an important role in the spread of Hoax and fake news in cyberspace.

Facebook Delete Hoax Spread Account

This incident started when the election in the United States took place. Facebook allegedly published a variety of negative content to attack the Hillary Clinton camp and benefit the camp Donald Trump.

Answering the matter, Facebook finally made a tool that can distinguish and remove where fake news or hoax spread on Facebook. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is also rumored to employ more than 3,000 people to combat all the fake news on Facebook.

Furthermore, not only links from the news will be deleted, Facebook has started removing accounts from fake news spreaders or hoaxes on Facebook. Not yet known how many total accounts were successfully deleted, but from the news circulating a total of 30,000 accounts.

Is your account one of them?



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