Author Want To Be YouTuber? Try Creating The 7 Most Popular Video Types On YouTube This Rating: 4.9 /5
Want To Be YouTuber? Try Creating The 7 Most Popular Video Types On YouTube This 4.9 2358 1379

Want To Be YouTuber? Try Creating The 7 Most Popular Video Types On YouTube This

YouTube has a wide variety of videos that we can enjoy right now. Starting from music videos, fun videos, tutorial videos, review videos, and other types of videos are also there. But do you know? Not all types of videos have a large and popular number of fans.

Well, on this occasion Almaftuchin Tech wants to tell a secret to you all about the most popular types of videos on YouTube today. And if you intend to create a channel on YouTube, you should consider the types of video below. What are they? Come on, see!

Want To Be YouTuber? Try Creating The 7 Most Popular Video Types on YouTube This

1. Video Unboxing
Unboxing videos are one of the most popular types of videos on YouTube. This video is made with the purpose of providing information to the audience by reviewing products or goods whose condition is still wrapped neatly.

Generally, unboxing products are new releases or products that have special uniqueness. This is why the frequency of unboxing videos has a large number of viewers.

2. Time-Lapse Video
The reason why video time lapse is much favored is because of its uniqueness and its relatively easy manufacturing process, but it can deliver great results. Time-lapse technique can be made into a variety of interesting videos. For example used to observe flowers that bloom, see the process of setting the sun, making simple films of some dolls, and others.

The making of popular time-lapse videos can be seen in cartoon series Shaun the Sheep and Lego films. This is why the time-lapse video has a huge number of fans.

3. Video Game Streaming
One of the most popular videos on YouTube is the type of video that records activity while playing a game, whether it's a re-record or a live stream. Both have a large number of viewers. But usually the type of streaming video game has the largest number of viewers because we can directly interact with the players in the video.

For example a site that provides a streaming video game service is Twitch.tv. There are more than 34 million gamers who gather each month. In fact, there are some gamers who have become celebrities on the site.

YouTube has its own version of YouTube Gaming, a place where gamers can also stream or upload activities while they play the game.

4. Video Tutorial
Video tutorials have a considerable amount of fans, as long as the theme or topic is still warm and unique. YouTube itself is the site most people use to search for 'how to do things'. Perhaps trivial issues like how to upgrade a PC or Android device and so on are difficult issues for others. So, if you feel you have the ability, or special technique in a particular field, then there is no harm in trying to make a video tutorial and share it to many people in the world.

5. Product Reviews
Similar to unboxing videos, videos that contain product reviews usually outline a product in detail. Generally a product review video is built on the benefits and benefits in depth. The whole can include the usefulness and direct experience of the product. This type of video also has a large number of viewers. Because generally everyone who wants to buy an item will first see the reviews and experiences of others to the goods.

6. Video Fan, Review, Comment
The next popular video type on YouTube is the video fan. This video usually contains opinions or personal opinions about a favorite TV show, movie series or book, drama episode review, or even contains criticism of a particular content. Often this type of video is used to review in detail about a movie, whether it's aired or not. This is usually used to answer the expectations that the movie gives to the audience. This type of video we often encounter on YouTube today and certainly has a number of audiences that are not small.

7. Video Reactions
This video further exposes the shock of a particular event. Usually this video contains one or two people watching certain events then feel so moved or shocked to see one of those scenes, and there are still many ideas that can be made using the concept. This type of video is also quite popular on YouTube and has its own fans.

These are the 7 most popular videos on YouTube. Jaka hope you can take inspiration from the above information. So what kind of video do you like? Or already have a picture want to make a video like what? Write your comment in the comment field below yes.



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